An artist like no other, Shivinder's deep dive into the unconscious realm was experienced when he died for 10 minutes and then grappled with visions in coma for 1 month. His visions of the Universe during this testing time have inspired his work greatly.

Although I was interested in all cultural aspects
of human life, my primary interest was inner and
outer space. The Mind or Consciousness, and
various tropes from the Golden Age of Science
Before SHIVINDER’S NDE, he was an acclaimed actor staring in TV, Film and Theatre, acting alongside Ray Panthaki, Noma Dumezweni, Helen McRory, Ken Stott, Nichola McAuliffe and Om Puri…
Much Ado About Nothing at the RSC
May-Nov 2012
A British Subject off Broadway
Nov 2010-Jan 2011
Good Soul of Szechuan at The Young Vic
May 2008
It is hard to overstate David Bowie’s influence on me, having seen him as Ziggy Stardust in 1973, locked eyes and clasped his hand for an instant, at Birmingham Town Hall. I had sneaked in for 50 New Pence. He was a validator for Science Fiction, for creative growth as a prime directive, and of course as a conduit to so much else, including Warhol, and Crowley. The sacred and the profane. The play of coincidence and synchronicity. Chance. The necessity of The Unknown in all creative acts. I was unmade. I had yet to formally acknowledge how much of an Outsider I really was.
It was these ingredients, including a burning interest in technology and science fiction, that led to a training in Architecture, that ultimately in turn led to a career as a professional performer. A fixation with transformation and metamorphosis was also an early companion and comfort, and a love of such totally immersive play is what drove my acting career. I discovered that narrative, at least for me, was the quantum of subjective thought. Story telling.
I continued to paint, act and generally try to find my place in the world, until I literally died in 2013. I had a heart attack, leading to cardiac arrest, when after 7 minutes of no heartbeat, my pulse was restored and then induced coma...

After my NDE my recovery was slow. During Coma the doctors were concerned with how I was
responding. They prepared my family that they may need to switch off my life support in ICU. Meanwhile my love for Alison was so strong I refused to accept that my time on earth, in the
material plane, was over. I remember sending a message to my sister from the Quantum realm,
telling her to not allow the doctors to switch off my life support; I am working a way to get back but I need more time.
Suddenly I felt like I fell back to earth and landed in a body of an 80 year old man. With the support of my friends, family, NHS and my wonderful wife, Alison, I have somehow managed to live a life
that resembles normality
Even though my acting career is over, due to the assault on my brain and body; I can still, through my art, communicate the visions and experiences I had during my NDE and continue to tell stories.
The vivid odyssey I had experienced had to be told. It would allow me to use my skills as an illustrator, actor, writer, designer, director and improvisor as part of my exploration.
My Favourites
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£1,500 £2,000
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£1,500 £2,000 - Regular price
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£1,500 £2,000
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£1,500 £2,000 - Regular price
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£1,500 £2,000
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£1,500 £2,000 - Regular price
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£1,500 £2,000